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We can save gas pollution from 25 % up to 75 % on every engine that uses fuel.

We have tested and proved it, but we need people to use it in the fuel too.

 Global Warming–Waking the whole world to the Challenge

The product gives a reduction on fuel consumption with 7-14% per liter consumed.

10-20% for each tank of fuel you have used.


This is not an official FFI or Fuel Freedom International, LLC website.

  I’m  an Independent FFI Distributor

In Norwegian

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Video 1  Video 2

(video 1) Mpg cap in the news

In video 2 Jerry Lang shows you exactly how MPG-CAPS™ work.


What is EPA

Read Jerry Lang´s test

FFI MPG-CAPS on World Business Review

FFI_presentation( Powerpoint)

See Al Gore´s trailer about global heat

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New! Ministry of Defense of Ukraine - MPG-CAPS test ( English ).

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Independent Distributor

Your own Fuel Freedom International home-based business

What could be easier to sell today than fuel economy? And Fuel Freedom International has designed an aggressive, but simple, compensation plan that pays dollar-for-dollar volume. It only costs $59.95 to get started, and new “Associates,” as the company calls its distributors, receive a replicated Website, complete with back office and a retail package.

Or just buy and use the products



Product Testing Action by: European HQ

Kansas ~ This newly completed test is available

Philippines ~ World HQ are planning on posting this test on the website soon!

Intertek (Belgium) ~ We are currently preparing this report to post on the website!

TUV (Austria) ~ This test is currently underway and is anticipated to finish in about 4 weeks.

Millbrook (UK)
~ This test is currently underway and is anticipated to finish in about 4 weeks.

FFi Europa Ltd

United Kingdom.

This is not an official FFI or Fuel Freedom International, LLC website.  I’m  an Independent FFI Distributor

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You can`t join at that site but please contact us and we help you join us:

We have members around the whole world

We offers quality products that is easy to order and use. For example our popular Fuel saving pills will lower your costs and benefit the planet. We need to do something about the air pollution and invest in small ways, that in the end will lead to better energy methods.

Testing Proves MPG-CAPS(TM) Effective - Auto News from September 13, 2006

ECO-Sheen ™ video


The number one topic that people are discussing around the world is the high price for gasoline and diesel. A primary factor affecting the economy of a nation, a state, a city, or even a family, is the price of fuel. Families cut back on shopping for new products because their budgets are impacted by the rising gas prices. It costs more to fly because a “fuel surcharge” is added to the ticket cost, thereby causing some people to postpone their trip to grandma’s, or delay their vacation. Businesses are also impacted because the cost of sales rises with the cost of fuel… Municipalities are adversely affected as well. These actions are not limited to the United States, but are global in scope.

In Europe, drivers are paying $7 to $8 a gallon for gas. In Australia, they’re paying $5 per gallon, and so are our neighbors to the north, Canada. Experts predict that within two to three years, drivers in the United States will be paying $3, $4, and even $5 per gallon! Fuel Freedom International has scored a triple play – finding a way to keep soaring fuel costs in check by making the gas in your tank go further, helping you make money by selling this concept to others, and reducing pollution in the environment – all at the same time! To be a member in a strong leg in Norway with links in other countries

send us an e-mail:

Dies ist die wörtliche Übersetzung der US-Amerikanischen Webseiten für deutsch sprechende Amerikaner. Die FFi-Produkte sind derzeit noch nicht für den Wiederverkauf in Deutschland bestimmt. Das momentan weltweit am heißesten diskutierte Thema sind die hohen Kraftstoffpreise für Benzin und Diesel. Der Benzinpreis ist ein primärer Faktor der die Wirtschaft eines Landes, einer Stadt und gleichermaßen jeder einzelnen Familie beeinflusst. Familien verringern ihren Konsum oder kaufen keine neuen Produkte weil ihr Budget durch die steigenden Benzinpreise deutlich geschmälert wird. Flugreisen werden teurer weil "Treibstoffkosten Zuschläge" auf die Ticketpreise erhoben werden. Dadurch werden Besuche bei Verwandten oder Urlaubsreisen verschoben oder fallen ganz aus. Auch Geschäfte sind betroffen, denn die Preise der Waren steigen mit den Preisen der Kraftstoffe...  Stadtverwaltungen werden ebenfalls nachteilig beeinflusst. All diese Effekte sind nicht auf Deutschland begrenzt, sondern weltweit zu beobachten. In Europa liegen die Benzinpreise zur Zeit bei durchschnittlich EUR 1,20 pro Liter oder mehr. Weltweit liegen die Preise auf sehr hohem Niveau. Experten sagen für die nächsten zwei bis drei Jahre weitere, deutliche Preissteigerungen voraus.
Fuel Freedom International hat eine Möglichkeit gefunden auf dreifache Weise zu helfen:

  • Die auf einem Höhenflug befindlichen Kraftstoffkosten werden reduziert, indem Sie mit der gleichen Menge Kraftstoff eine größere Reichweite erzielen.
  • Sie können Geld verdienen, indem Sie anderen dieses Konzept verkaufen
  • Die Umweltverschmutzung wird reduziert.

Home site FFI in your language

Chinese - (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) Croatian, Danish, Dutch, latvian, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian,

Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

You can`t join at that site but please contact us and we help you join us:

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Web shop prices

12 MPG-CAP Blister Packs

  • 12 Packages of MPG-CAPS. Each pack contains 10 MPG-CAPS

  • CV: 200

  • Price: $211.95

  • 6 MPG-CAP Blister Packs

  • 6 Packages of MPG-CAPS. Each pack contains 10 MPG-CAPS

  • CV: 100

  • Price: $105.95

  • 3 MPG-CAP Blister Packs

  • 3 Packages of MPG-CAPS. Each pack contains 10 MPG-CAPS

  • CV: 50

  • Price: $52.95

  • 1 MPG-CAP Blister Pack

  • 1 Package of MPG-CAPS. A pack contains 10 MPG-CAPS

  • CV: 10

  • Price: $17.95


  • 1 bottle of MPG-BOOST 8 Fl. Oz. (236 mL) . Product for U.S. Distributors ONLY

  • CV: 20

  • Price: $26.95

  • Product Packages

    Regular Package $105.95 100 CV
    6 Blister Packs of 10-MPG-CAPSTM

    Premium Package $211.95 200 CV
    12 Blister Packs of 10-MPG-CAPSTM

    Business Builder Pack $370.95: 200 BV
    210 MPG-CAPSTM (7 bottles or 21 blister packs)

    Silver for 30 days
    $50 Fast Start to sponsor and an additional $50 Retail Customer Aquisition Bonus if sponsor is Retail Sales Qualified.

    Trucker's Package $354.95: 200 BV
    3 Bottles MPG-MEGA-CAPSTM
    5 Blister Packs MPG-CAPSTM

    Silver for 30 days
    $50 Fast Start to sponsor and an additional $50 Retail Customer Aquisition Bonus if sponsor is Retail Sales Qualified.

    Want to be an
    Independent Distributor

    MPG-CAP™ is a caplet you put into your fuel tank: be it car, truck or sport utility vehicle. This makes the fuel, gas or diesel, burn more efficiently, increasing the power, increasing the mileage, saving you money on gas and decrease in harmful emmisions


    The vast majority of fuel additives, treatments, conditioners, etc. marketed and sold in the U.S., are merely detergents that serve to clean the fuel system but do nothing to the combustion characteristics of fuel, or more importantly, to the combustion chamber itself. This is exactly what separates our products from all others, and where our technology and products are formulated to perform!

    Think of our products as engine efficiency supple-ments. The fuel carries the supplement, with the active compounds, into the combustion chamber where they are "activated" to perform the process they were engi-neered to create: the burning of fuel more cleanly and quickly.

    The many claims that our competitors make about improving fuel combustion are simply false. With modern fuels, the combustion rate is 99.5%, so just how much of a gain would anyone expect to get with these competitive products?

    When we created the technology used in the MPG-CAPS™, we took a long careful scientific approach to the situation.

    We know the dynamics of combustion vary depending on pressures, temperatures, ignition techniques, vaporization, and chemical characteristics of the fuel.

    We know that fuels are efficient to a point of 99.5%. So how can we improve on this? Simply, we addressed the state of the combustion chamber itself, and the relationship therein of the fuel and how it is "processed"

    What we have developed is a method of providing a catalytic coating in the combustion chamber. This catalytic coating provides an infinite nano-phase surface area for the catalyst to deposit on. This catalytic coating causes a catalytic reaction to occur in its presence.
    So now we utilize the fuel to carry the MPG-CAP™, in its dissolved state, to the combustion chamber, where the heat of combustion activates the chemical compound, and creates a very thin coating on the metal surfaces of the internal components within the combustion chamber.

    What this catalyst does, for our purposes, is to cause a change in what is called the "in-cylinder rate shaping" of the combustion. This, in turn, provides for a 30% increase in pressure on the down stroke of the piston, in a time frame slightly altered from a non-catalyzed state. This results in the improved performance.

    The teflon comparison: Here’s an easy way to explain MPG-CAPS™ to first time customers. Ask them if they know how a non-stick frying pan works. They’ll be familiar with the way the coating keeps stuff from sticking to the surface of the pan. That’s how MPG-CAPS™ work too, by coating the combustion chamber of your engine with sacrificial catalytic coating. This micro-thin coating acts to catalyze pump fuels and dramatically improve your performance. As long as you continue to use the MPG-CAP™, the catalyst will continue to inhibit detrimental effects of sulfur molecules and other impurities found in pump fuels, retarding the formation of sludge, varnish and acids that are harmful to your engine. Your engine runs smoother, cleaner, has more pep, and you get the benefit of better gas mileage.

    12 MPG-CAP Blister

    12 Packages of MPG-CAPS.
    Each pack contains 10 MPG-CAPS
    Price: $251.95

    6 MPG-CAP Blister Packs
    6 Packages of MPG-CAPS.
    Each pack contains 10 MPG-CAPS
    Price: $125.95

    3 MPG-CAP Blister

    3 Packages of MPG-CAPS.
    Each pack contains 10 MPG-CAPS
    Price: $62.85

    1 MPG-CAP Blister Pack
    1 Package of MPG-CAPS.
    A pack contains 10 MPG-CAPS
    Price: $20.95



    1 bottle of MPG-BOOST 8 Fl. Oz. (236 mL) .
    Price: $29.95










    MPG-BOOST™ combustion catalyst technology has been developed and proven with over 20 years of landmark research and 302 million miles of highway/city testing.

    MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE WITH CATALYTIC TECHNOLOGY MPG-BOOST™ utilizes a unique combustion catalyst developed from aerospace technology. Found only in MPG-BOOST ™ the catalyst accelerates the actual rate at which fuel combines with air in the combustion chamber. This results in a significant increase in the burn-rate of the fuel.

    IMPROVED PERFORMANCE is achieved through the increased rate of combustion. The process intensifies the pressure on the pistons and directly increases power output.

    REDUCED FUEL CONSUMPTION can result when the catalytic effect is not used by the driver for extra power. In scientifically controlled laboratory and highway /city testing, a 10% improvement in fuel economy has been consistently documented.

    IMPROVED OCTANE RATING is a significant benefit to users with high-performance or older cars. Laboratory tests have shown that 2 or 3 ounces of MPG-BOOST™ in 20 gallons of regular unleaded gasoline raised the octane rating by one full point

    REDUCED CARBON DEPOSITS on the spark plugs, piston face, rings and valves, are also a result of the combustion catalyst. By reducing the ignition temperature of the carbon, the catalyst causes it to be consumed in combustion, thereby extending plug life and reducing engine wear

    REDUCED KNOCKING, PINGING AND DIESELING are achieved through the reduction of the carbon deposits and the increased octane rating, both caused by the consistent application of the catalyst.

    REDUCED EXCESSIVE EMISSIONS result from the accelerated combustion process, which allows more of the fuel to be consumed prior to the exhaust valves opening.

    MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE WITH PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY MPG-BOOST™ combines the technology of an aerospace catalyst with additional petrochemical elements. These essential elements include: a detergent; gum; varnish and water dispersants; antirust agents; upper cylinder lubricants; and fuel stabilizing components. These combine to enhance the purity and stability of all grades of gasoline. This translates into improved fuel system performance, extended time between tune-ups, and reduced frequency of expensive carburetor overhauls.

    IMPROVED VALVE LUBRICATION is accomplished through the overall lubricity of the carrier, used in the formula. Combined with the reduction in carbon deposits in the upper cylinder, this property promotes smoother engine operation and extended life.

    IMPROVED MOISTURE MANAGEMENT is achieved by maintaining a proper delicate balance of moisture to fuel. Condensation already present is suspended in small particles, allowing it to pass safely through the system where it can be utilized to enhance the combustion process. Conversely, MPG-BOOST™ effectively releases excess water present in bulk storage, so that it drops harmlessly to the bottom of the tank.

    Designed for Large Trucks and High Fuel Capacity Vehicles.

    For Bigger Tanks, Try MPG-MEGA-CAPS™!

    MPG-MEGA-CAPS™ (The Trucker’s Product)

    Mileage Maximizer Tablet - Combustion Chamber Catalyst - 10 Caplets

    The vast majority of fuel additives, treatments, conditioners, etc. marketed and sold in the U.S., are merely detergents that serve to clean the fuel system but do nothing to the combustion characteristics of fuel, or more importantly, to the combustion chamber itself. This is exactly what separates our products from all others, and where our technology and products are formulated to perform!

    Think of our products as engine efficiency supplements. The fuel carries the supplement, with the active compounds, into the combustion chamber where they are "activated" to perform the process they were engineered to create: the burning of fuel more cleanly and quickly.

    The many claims that our competitors make about improving fuel combustion are simply false. With modern fuels, the combustion rate is 99.5%, so just how much of a gain would anyone expect to get with these competitive products?

    When we created the technology used in the MPG-MEGA-CAPS™, we took a long careful scientific approach to the situation. We know the dynamics of combustion vary depending on pressures, temperatures, ignition techniques, vaporization, and chemical characteristics of the fuel We know that fuels are efficient to a point of 99.5%. So how can we improve on this? Simply, we addressed the state of the combustion chamber itself, and the relationship therein of the fuel and how it is "processed"

    What we have developed is a method of providing a catalytic coating in the combustion chamber. This catalytic coating provides an infinite nano-phase surface area for the catalyst to deposit on. This catalytic coating causes a catalytic reaction to occur in its presence

    So now we utilize the fuel to carry the MPG-MEGA-CAPS™, in its dissolved state, to the combustion chamber, where the heat of combustion activates the chemical compound, and creates a very thin coating on the metal surfaces of the internal components within the combustion chamber.

    What this catalyst does, for our purposes, is to cause a change in what is called the "in-cylinder rate shaping" of the combustion. This, in turn, provides for a 30% increase in pressure on the down stroke of the piston, in a time frame slightly altered from a non-catalyzed state. This results in the improved performance.

    The teflon comparison: Here’s an easy way to explain MPG-MEGA-CAPS™ to first time customers. Ask them if they know how a non-stick frying pan works. They’ll be familiar with the way the coating keeps stuff from sticking to the surface of the pan. That’s how MPG-MEGA-CAPS™ work too, by coating the combustion chamber of your engine with sacrificial catalytic coating. This micro-thin coating acts to catalyze pump fuels and dramatically improve your performance. As long as you continue to use the MPG-MEGA-CAPS™, the catalyst will continue to inhibit detrimental effects of sulfur molecules and other impurities found in pump fuels, retarding the formation of sludge, varnish and acids that are harmful to your engine. Your engine runs smoother, cleaner, has more pep, and you get the benefit of better gas mileage. Directions for use:

    Every Tank Dosage (based on 120-150 gallon or 455-568 liter fillup): --- One MPG-MEGA-CAP™ and enjoy the 7-14% fuel savings.

    WARNING: Do not exceed Directions for use or over use product.

    You must continue to use the product in order to maintain the catalytic coating and therefore garner the benefits of the technology. By continuing to use this unique technology, you will experience an increase in miles per gallon and a decrease in harmful emissions. However, if you stop using the product, the catalytic coating will slowly dissipate and the benefits will cease.

    You may not receive the same results as those stated in the testimonials. Studies indicate that the average increase in fuel economy is 7-14%. Results may vary depending on your driving habits, traffic, terrain, environmental conditions, and the condition/maintenance of your vehicle. For best results, proper and continuous use of the product is necessary.


    I drive an 18 wheeler over the road with a partner and am gone from home for long periods at a time so I did not get my fuel pills till after Thanksgiving. I wanted to do plenty of testing with our 2006 on board computer. I know what this motor (new egr equipped) does at what speeds and weights in cities, mountains, and empty and bobtail. I get to my truck, filled it up and put in ten tablets. I didn’t really notice a big difference but we were idling a lot the first few days. I went to Salt Lake City and got a load with 3 pickups to take up to up to Idaho. On my second tank I got delayed a lot, more snow and did lots of idling to stay warm which used a lot of fuel. Two days later we loaded 79000 lbs, and after filling my tanks the D.O.T. scale read 79750 lbs. We started back to North Carolina and the fuel mileage started to increase and kept increasing. I had incredible power and pulling almost 8000 lbs. seemed like light air freight. My truck was not slowing down for the mountains coming out of Salt Lake and I only downshifted twice from there to Cheyenne Wyoming. When I reached I-70 at the Missouri line I tracked the time it took to go across the state (usually I allow 5 hours due to the hills). This time I did it in 3 hours and 45 minutes without speeding.

    It also only cost me $1300 to make the trip to NC from Utah and it usually cost me $1400. We have been testing our mileage continually and now we are getting one MPG more than before, that is a 25% increase (from 5-6 mpg). For a solo driver that can save about $150 per week, for a team it is $300 per week. Every tab that I put in I save at least $8.50 and that is after the cost of the tablet. And that is not counting the 17% that I get back on my taxes. But probably the most exciting part is all the power the truck has, so it does not bog down on hills, which means we can drive more miles in the same period of time, which increases our productivity and generates more revenue.

    Thank you FFI
    and My Upline for bringing this to me

    Arthur Taylor -Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    I have personally tested the MPG-CAPS for the past 2 months. I have always been a meticulous record keeper in relation to my gas mileage. I drive a 1996 Lincoln Town Car with 157,000 miles. Before using the MPG-CAPS I was getting a consistent 18mpg. After the first use of the MPG-CAPS (2caplets), I actually saw a decrease of 1.2mpg. On the 2nd tank (also 2 caplets) I saw an increase of 2.4mpg. After the 3rd tank there was an increase of 4.3mpg. On the 4th tank there was an increase of 6mpg! When I saw that the mileage was 24mpg I was astounded! I calculated that to be 120 additional miles on a tankful of gas! This calculated to a 33% increase from the 18mpg I was originally getting when I first began testing. At approximately $45 to fill my tank - that saved me about $15 on just one tank of gas! On my 5th tank - it went to 23.8 mpg which is still about a 30% savings! It has been consistently in the 4-6 additional miles per gallon since.

    Dr. Jeff Brodsky -Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    Since May 3, 2006, I have been using MPG-CAPS in my two vehicles, a 2005 Pacifica and a 2000 Olds Bravado SUV. Between the two we drive approximatley 50,000 miles per year. Since beginning use of the MPG-CAPS in my fuel, I have experienced continued improvement

    On June 2, 06 I refueled the Bravada(over 100K miles) for the fourth fill since beginning use of MPG-CAPS. When checking the mpg performance on the thrid fill, the mileage on the sixteen gallon tank had improved from 270.4 miles before MPG-CAPS to 331.2 miles after use of MPG-CAPS. This improvement represents (@ $2.89 per gallon) a saving of about $.02 per mile foran improvement in milage/tank of about 23% and at a saving of about $6.60 per tankful of fuel.

    K.D. Schultz -Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    My 2001 SAAB 9s had an improvement from 16.2mpg to 20.7mpg, +4.5mpg after using the MPG-CAPS as directed.

    Jeffery A. Davis-Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    I am an owner/operator of a 1995 Ford LTL 9000 Semi truck with a series 60 Detroit diesel. My miles per gallon have gone from 7.74 to 8.95 using MPG-CAPS from FFi. This is about a 16% savings on my fuel bill. Which means 1100.00 per week. I make about 150.00 more each week after product cost.

    Scott D. Schuster-Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    I have used MPG-CAPS from FFI only 1100 miles, and my cars gas mileage improved 5mpg, from 20mpg o 25mpg, after 3 full tanks. (3 capsules)
    Scott S. Pribyl-Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    I have a 1999 Ford Pickup with a 5.4 V8 motor. I was getting 200 miles per 20 gallons of gas. First tank using 2 MPG-CAPS I got 253 miles on 20 Gallons. 2nd tank I got 305 miles on 20 gallons, 3rd tank got 324 miles on 20 gallons.

    Don Frans-Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    This statement is about my results using the MPG-EXTreme metal conditioner & treatment in my 2003 Saturn Vue. I simply had my auto mechanic add the MPG-EXTreme to my last oil change and the result on my first two tanks of gas are as follows. My first two tanks were both driven in Chicago city driving, my wife and i both could notice right away how much smoother the car ran and how it had more zip and power. The gas guage was slower moving right from the start and the results on the first tank was 18.5% mpg increase. The second tank was driven in hotter temps of 102 degrees two day and the air conditioner ran all the time. We noticed the engine did not heat up at stop lights like it would without the MPG-EXTreme and out results on this tank was 17.4%mpg increase. We're looking forward now to putting the MPG-CAPS in our gas tank next!

    Paul E. Kelly-Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    My 1996 Chevy Truck was getting 6.6mpg now it gets 11.3 after 5 tanks of gas with MPG-CAPS.

    George Tallas-Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    I wanted to try the MPG-CAPS in my 350 Ford Diesel Truck. I did 4 tankfuls without the pills. Then I put 2 MPG-CAPS in my tank and drove from Atlanta, GA all the way to Panama City Beach FL, without stopping! Normally I would have had to fill up in Southern AL and top off in FL. I ended up getting 18.9 MPG and saved $11.03 on that fill up alone. A 32% increase is phenomin!

    Diane M. Kenney-Independent Fuel Freedom International Distributor

    FFI in the news

    FFI MPG-CAPS on World Business Review

    Testing Proves MPG-CAPS(TM) Effektive - Auto News from September 13, 2006

    theautochannel news about FFI

    The Auto Channel

    Jerry Lang  New!!

    WTMJ rapport  MPG-CAPS™

    FFi Returns to Nascar

    Tom Eaton radiointervju

    Auto Channel about  MPG-CAPS™

    FFi news

    news channel 9 :



    FFI MPG-CAPS on World Business Review



    We have members around the whole world